Chia Superfoods Sips Sample Pack

Discover Chia Sisters' hero product, the Superfood drink that launched our brand with our Sips Samples.
Each pack contains one of our 200ml functional Chia Superfoods
- Chia Gut Blueberry
- Chia Energy Orange & Passionfruit
- Chia Brain Blackcurrant
Made to support performance every day
Founder and Neuroscientist Chloe Van Dyke, created this drink to support her sister, Florence, who was competing on the international sporting stage in triathlons and couldn't find anything natural that supported her performance needs.
Our Chia Superfood Drinks are produced using custom-built technology that allows us to hydrate every single chia seed to fully activate all nutrients.
Once hydrated, the seeds are mixed with carefully formulated blends of fruits and berries to create three drinks that support different functions; Brain Boost for focus, Natural Energy for endurance, and Gut Health for digestion.
Supporting our world
one sip at a time
All-natural Ingredients
B Corp Certified
Zero carbon Certified
New Zealand Made
Living Wage Employer
Climate Positive Certified